
Attachments in Jitsuin Archivist enable images, PDFs and other binary data to be attached to assets and events. This brings added richness to the evidence base and facilitates high fidelity collaboration between stakeholders.

Uploading an Attachment

The first step is to upload the attachment to the attachments API and noting the uuid of the uploaded attachment. See Upload Blob

Attachments on assets

Adding an attachment to an asset enables recording of characteristics of the asset that are very difficult to capture in text. For example, the specific placement of a component or the device’s serial number or rating plate.

While asset attachments are generally expected to be unique, the same attachment can be applied to multiple assets, such as a stock image of a type of device.

See Attachments Attach

The asset ‘arc_primary_image’

Attachments to assets are named in their arc_display_name property, so that they can be searched and indexed. Names are arbitrary and may be defined according to the needs of the application, but one name is reserved and interpreted by the Jitsuin stack: arc_primary_image.

If an asset has an attachment named arc_primary_image then this will be used by the user interface and other Jitsuin tools to represent the asset.

Attachments on events

Adding an attachment to an event allows recording and communication of asset status that is difficult to capture in text. For example:

  • a photograph of physical state of a device such as alignment of components or wear on tamper seals at the time of a particular inspection.

  • a PDF of a safety conformance report to support a maintenance event.

  • a software manifest to support an update.

  • an x-ray image

To add attachments to an event simply specify an attachments list in the attributes of the request block when posting an event. See Attachments Attach for an example of the JSON layout.