IAM Access Policies Retrieval (v1)

Create the bearer_token and store in a file in a secure local directory with 0600 permissions.

See API Request Authorization and Authentication.


The following example shows use of the API over curl in a bash terminal. The concepts are fully portable to any other REST client (eg PostMan or python requests)

Set the URL (for example):

$ export URL=https://synsation.1234-5678.nodes.archivist.jitsuin.io

IAM access policy records in Jitsuin Archivist are tokenized at creation time and referred to in all API calls and smart contracts throughout the system by a unique identity of the form:


If you do not know the access_policy’s identity you can fetch IAM access policy records using other information you do know, such as the access_policy’s name.

Fetch all IAM access_policies (v1)

To fetch all IAM access_policies records, simply GET the iam/access_policies resource:

$ curl -v -X GET \

Fetch specific IAM access Policy by identity (v1)

If you know the unique identity of the IAM access policy Record simply GET the resource:

$ curl -v -X GET \

Fetch IAM Access Policies by name (v1)

To fetch all IAM access_policies with a specific name, GET the iam/access_policies resource and filter on display_name:

$ curl -g -v -X GET \

Each of these calls returns a list of matching IAM access_policies records in the form:

    "access_policies": [
            "identity": "access_policies/6a951b62-0a26-4c22-a886-1082297b063b",
            "display_name": "Name to display",
            "description": "Description of the policy",
            "filters": [
                {"or": [
                {"or": [
                {"or": [
            "access_permissions": [
                    "asset_attributes_read": [ "toner_colour", "toner_type" ],
                    "behaviours": [ "Attachments", "Firmware", "Maintenance", "RecordEvidence" ],
                    "event_arc_display_type_read": ["toner_type", "toner_colour"],
                    "event_arc_display_type_write": ["toner_replacement"],
                    "include_attributes": [ "arc_display_name", "arc_display_type", "arc_firmware_version" ],
                    "subjects": [
                    "user_attributes": [
                        {"or": ["group:maintainers", "group:supervisors"]}
            "identity": "access_policies/12345678-0a26-4c22-a886-1082297b063b",
            "display_name": "Some other description",
            "filters": [
                {"or": ["attributes.arc_display_type=door_access_reader"]}
            "access_permissions": [
                    "asset_attributes_read": [ "toner_colour", "toner_type" ],
                    "behaviours": [ "Attachments", "Firmware", "Maintenance", "RecordEvidence" ],
                    "event_arc_display_type_read": ["toner_type", "toner_colour"],
                    "event_arc_display_type_write": ["toner_replacement"],
                    "include_attributes": [ "arc_display_name", "arc_display_type", "arc_firmware_version" ],
                    "subjects": [
                    "user_attributes": [
                        {"or": ["group:maintainers", "group:supervisors"]}


The number of records returned has a maximum limit. If this limit is too small then one must use API Request Paging.


The total number of assets that exist is returned in the response header field ‘x-total-count’ if the ‘x-request-total-count’ header on the request is set to ‘true’. The curl option ‘-i’ will emit this to stdout.


A full API reference is available in Swagger GET API