Blockchain Retrieval (v1alpha2)

Create the bearer_token and store in a file in a secure local directory with 0600 permissions.

See API Request Authorization and Authentication.


The following example shows use of the API over curl in a bash terminal. The concepts are fully portable to any other REST client (eg PostMan or python requests)

Set the URL (for example):

$ export URL=

Blockchain transactions in Jitsuin Archivist are available via this interface. The transactions are available from the blockchain endpoint using the assets event Id as a parameter:


Fetch Transactions for an event (v1alpha2)

To fetch all transactions for an asset event GET the blockchain resource:

$ curl -v -X GET \

Each of these calls returns a list of matching blockchain transactions in the form:

    "transactions": [
            "hash": "0x9fc76417374aa880d4449a1f7f31ec597f00b1f6f3dd2d66f4c9c6c445836d8b",
            "nonce": 2,
            "blockHash": "0xef95f2f1ed3ca60b048b4bf67cde2195961e0bba6f70bcbea9a2c4e133e34b46",
            "blockNumber": 3,
            "transactionIndex": 0,
            "r": "0x8912348621879462817634897216348712638941",
            "s": "0x1234689712638957682375682364892376487238",
            "from": "0xa94f5374fce5edbc8e2a8697c15331677e6ebf0b",
            "to": "0x6295ee1b4f6dd65047762f924ecd367c17eabf8f",
            "value": "123450000000000000",
            "gas": 314159,
            "gasPrice": "2000000000000",
            "input": "0x57cb2fc4",
            "v": "0x26"
            "hash": "0x9fc76417374aa880d4449a1f7f31ec597f00b1f6f3dd2d66f4c9c6c445836d8b",
            "nonce": 2,
            "blockHash": "0xef1234567d3ca60b048b4bf67cde2195961e0bba6f70bcbea9a2c4e133e34b46",
            "blockNumber": 3,
            "transactionIndex": 0,
            "r": "0x8912348621879462817634897216348712638941",
            "s": "0x1234689712638957682375682364892376487238",
            "from": "0xa94f5374fce5edbc8e2a8697c15331677e6ebf0b",
            "to": "0x6295ee1b4f6dd65047762f924ecd367c17eabf8f",
            "value": "123450000000000000",
            "gas": 314159,
            "gasPrice": "2000000000000",
            "input": "0x57cb2fc4",
            "v": "0x26"


The number of records returned has a maximum limit. If this limit is too small then one must use API Request Paging.

A full API reference is available in Swagger GET API