Event Record Retrieval

Create the bearer_token and store in a file in a secure local directory with 0600 permissions.

See API Request Authorization and Authentication.


The following example shows use of the API over curl in a bash terminal. The concepts are fully portable to any other REST client (eg PostMan or python requests)

Set the URL (for example):

$ export URL=https://synsation.1234-5678.nodes.archivist.jitsuin.io

Event records in Jitsuin Archivist are tokenized at creation time and referred to in all API calls and smart contracts throughout the system by a unique identity of the form:


If you do not know the event’s identity you can fetch event records using other information you do know, such as the event’s name in your asset management or digital twin platform.

Fetch all events

To fetch all event records, simply GET the events resource:

$ curl -v -X GET \

Fetch events by asset identity

If you know the unique identity of the Asset Record simply GET the resource:

$ curl -v -X GET \

Fetch events by behaviour name

To fetch all events with a specific behaviour, GET the events resource and filter on behaviour:

$ curl -g -v -X GET \

Fetch events by behaviour name and operation

To fetch all events with a specific behaviour and operation, GET the events resource and filter on firmware and update:

$ curl -g -v -X GET \

Fetch events by filtering on field names

To fetch all events with a specific characteristics, GET the events resource and filter on most available fields. For example:

$ curl -g -v -X GET \

Fetch events by filtering on dates

To fetch all events occurring at different dates, GET the events resource and filter on timestamps. For example:

$ curl -g -v -X GET \
Other timestamp filters are

timestamp_accepted_since, timestamp_committed_before, timestamp_committed_since, timestamp_declared_before, timestamp_declared_since.


Each of these calls returns a list of matching event records in the form:

  "identity": "assets/add30235-1424-4fda-840a-d5ef82c4c96f/events/11bf5b37-e0b8-42e0-8dcf-dc8c4aefc000",
  "asset_identity": "assets/add30235-1424-4fda-840a-d5ef82c4c96f",
  "behaviour": "Firmware",
  "operation": "Update",
  "event_attributes": {
    "arc_description": "Patched during regular patch window",
    "arc_correlation_value": "12-345-67"
  "asset_attributes": {
    "arc_firmware_version": "3.2.1",
  "timestamp_accepted": "2019-11-27T15:13:21Z",
  "timestamp_declared": "2019-11-27T14:44:19Z",
  "timestamp_committed": "2019-11-27T15:15:02Z",
  "principal_declared": {
    "issuer": "idp.synsation.io/1234",
    "subject": "phil.b",
    "email": "phil.b@synsation.io"
  "principal_accepted": {
    "issuer": "job.idp.server/1234",
    "subject": "bob@job"
  "confirmation_status": "CONFIRMED",
  "block_number": 12,
  "transaction_index": 5,
  "transaction_id": "0x07569"


See Behaviours and LifeCycle for details of how to interpret the system-reserved arc_* attributes.


The number of records returned has a maximum limit. If this limit is too small then one must use API Request Paging.


The total number of assets that exist is returned in the response header field ‘x-total-count’ if the ‘x-request-total-count’ header on the request is set to ‘true’. The curl option ‘-i’ will emit this to stdout.


A full API reference is available in Swagger GET API